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  • A lot of different payment method
  • Strict security standards
  • Trustpilot reviews
  • N/A
  • Verification needeed for full access
  • Some US states are not supported
  • N/A
Company Location:
Company Location United Kingdom
Company Location N/A
Customer Support:
Customer Support Live Chat, E-Mail, Support Portal
Customer Support Email Support
Futures No
Futures None
Derivates No
Derivates N/A
Margin Trading:
Margin Trading No
Margin Trading None
Has been hacked:
Has been hacked No
Has been hacked No
Security N/A
Tradeable Coins:
Tradeable Coins Bitcoin, Binance Coin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Stellar, Tether, TRON, Doge, BNB (Bep20), BNB (Bep2), USDT (TRC20), USDT (ERC20), ETH, LTC, USDC, Link, YFI, Shib, AXS, Aave, ENJ, BAT, Perp, Sxp, Crv, Nmr, Hot, Sand, KNC, MKR, Comp, WBTC, DAI, SUSHI, CHZ, UNI, XRP, BCH, XLM, TRX
Tradeable Coins BTC, ETH, XMR, USDT
Trading Volume:
Trading Volume N/A
Trading Volume N/A
Deposit Fees:
Deposit Fees Yes (for Credit Card Payments)
Deposit Fees TBD
Trading Fees:
Trading Fees N/A
Trading Fees N/A
Withdrawal Fees:
Withdrawal Fees Yes
Withdrawal Fees TBD
Paybis Review Paybis offers a wide range of different payment methods to buy and sell Bitcoin and five more cryptocurrencies. You can buy Bitcoins directly on Paybis with credit or debit card or any payment method which suits you the best. Their goal is to provide the customers a secure trading platform with 24/7 live […] Read Review »
There are so many “decentralized” exchange websites that exist today but only a handful of these websites truly are working to have it completely decentralized in a sense. What we’re trying to say is that a lot of these exchange websites brand themselves as a decentralized community but in fact, their far from it. This […] Read Review »